2022: The Easiest Position Not To Take

Well, it’s the end of another year and, for many of us, it’s that time when we reflect on the year just past and, more importantly, what we’d like to achieve in the one coming up.

I’ve been doing exactly that - considering all of the different goals I’d like to achieve and assessing what it will take to achieve them. This analysis - while hopeful in its intent - also brings up the inevitable:

Progress Happens In Increments

The thing about progress is that it isn’t always exciting.

It’s gradual, incremental and consistent in its progression. That doesn’t mean it’s constant, of course. There will be backs and forths, one step back every now and then, but the overall movement is forwards. Step by step, as the gains compound and we find ourselves closer to our goals.

What Is Essential?

I’ve been thinking about what “essential” in our lives truly means.

At the beginning of our lives, we need very little - a place to sleep, food to eat and little else. Everything else, we fill in with our imaginations. Late in our lives, it seems pretty similar.

It’s the stuff in-between that, I think, confuses us.

A Sense Of Playfulness

It’s easy to lose our sense of playfulness. In fact, at some point in our adult lives, so many of us do. We don’t realize it in the process. We really only figure it out well after the fact (if at all).

We tend to put it down to ‘growing up’, to becoming an adult. Just a normal part of life, because life is serious business, and only kids can afford the luxury of play.

Who Will You Ask?

Getting advice is important.

From a young age, we’re taught (or at least should be) that it’s OK to ask for help, that we don’t have to figure out everything on our own, and that there are others who’ve tread our path before. So it’s not a weakness to reach out and ask for guidance. It is, in fact, a strength. I wholeheartedly agree with that.

At the same time, not all advice is equal and it’s well worth remembering a few basic things.

Does It Work?

Not far from where I live, there is an intersection where the traffic lights operate in different ways depending on whether you’re walking or driving.

What I mean by this is that if you’re driving, the lights work as you would expect. They change at specific time intervals in an automated fashion. But if you’re on foot and you want to cross the street, the “walk” sign will not display unless you’ve pressed the manual “change traffic signal” button on your side of the street.

Are You A Non-Player Character?

Non-Player Characters (NPCs) are those characters in video games that cannot be controlled and are driven by the program itself to deliver specific pre-defined lines or actions, either playing a very specific role or no role at all. They don’t participate in any meaningful way, can’t be directed and more often than not, are there to simply make up the numbers.

Happy Thanksgiving!

A brief post from me today as I’m afraid I’m still feeling the effects of a more than abundant Thanksgiving Day feast.

Someone once said that “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” You know, we see this in all walks of our lives, from work to personal ones.

Do You Compete?

When I was in my teens and learning to play the guitar, there was a guy I knew who had been playing for a few years and was really quite good. He knew how to play all the cool songs I wanted to learn to play, knew all the cool riffs and could play by ear. But he wasn’t interested in sharing any of his knowledge.

I specifically remember him playing Stairway To Heaven, a song I was trying to learn.

Omerisms Podcast - Episode 112

Today's episode recounts a decision I made many years ago that, in the grand scheme of things, was relatively minor. It was my decision to get - and then remove - my earring before I went to Business School.

Not a huge decision in most contexts, but it was definitely one that taught me about why we make the choices we make - and WHY we should make the choices we make.

Learning To Be A Child (AKA The Second Half Of Our Lives)

I think we spend so much of the “post-teen” part of our lives trying to be accepted, to fit in and be seen as a grown up, that we consciously decide to “put away childish things”. We see this as an essential act so that we’re regarded as an adult and hence accepted as a serious contributor to whatever work or social contract we’re engaged in. (In fact, most of us do so and don’t even give it a second thought.)

But at some point, many of us realize that…

Omerisms Podcast - Episode 111

Today's episode is a reflection on Bono, U2's legendary frontman. It's based on a post I wrote shortly after watching them perform The Joshua Tree live in Chicago.

Bono represents the ideal when it comes to achievement. He does what he loves, has achieved tremendous success and uses this fame and success to do more for others. It's an ideal worth us pursuing in our own ways.