2022: The Easiest Position Not To Take
Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash
Well, it’s the end of another year and, for many of us, it’s that time when we reflect on the year just past and, more importantly, what we’d like to achieve in the one coming up.
I’ve been doing exactly that - considering all of the different goals I’d like to achieve and assessing what it will take to achieve them. This analysis - while hopeful in its intent - also brings up the inevitable: that while there are many avenues worth pursuing and many ideas worth exploring, there’s also plenty of uncertainty that could put the skids on what we want.
In fact, pick any field of endeavor, personal or professional, and you’ll find no shortage of potential obstacles.
From the external (the pandemic, inflation, supply chain issues, political uncertainties, economic anxiety, stock market bubbles, etc.) to the internal (lack of resources, lack of expertise, lack of capability, lack of time, etc.).
No shortage of potential issues that could stop you right in your tracks, before you can even get started.
So at times like this, it’s worth remembering a fundamental concept as we engage in our own punditry, so to speak. And that is, that the easiest position in punditry is it's all shit.
In other words, if you’re looking for issues, you’ll find them. If you’re looking for why something can’t be done, you’ll find that as well. In fact, there’s always going to be an army of obstacles waiting to stop you from doing what you want. If you let it.
Because the easiest position in punditry is that it’s all shit.
That’s worth remembering as you (and I) sit down over the weekend to think through our hopes and plans for 2022.
Stay focused, stay positive and take the more challenging road.
Happy New Year.