All in Life

Dealing With Change

"The art of life is a constant readjustment to our surroundings." (Kakuzo Okakaura)

"A wise man adapts himself to circumstances, as water shapes itself to the vessel that contains it." (Chinese proverb)

Too often, when there is a change in our surroundings, our environment, our organization, or our personal lives - one that impacts the status quo in a material way, we can be at a loss as to how to react. 

Fewer not Less. Less not Fewer.

I have a pet peeve. People - yes, maybe even you - are using the words "fewer" and "less" incorrectly. I don't know why but it's happening. I see it all the time.

There were less people at the event than I thought. 

He'll be home in fewer than 5 weeks.