Get Started (Again)
Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash
We’re only 3 days into 2022 and you’ve probably already been inundated with all sorts of advice about your resolutions, what you should focus on in this year and how to get there.
I don’t want to repeat any of that, but what I can offer one simple piece of advice, especially for the resolution-weary.
Just get started.
You don’t need to worry about detailed plans, or immaculate preparation, or getting all of your proverbial ducks in a row. All of that helps and will move you further, forward, faster.
But not if you get lost in the process of getting ready and analysis paralysis.
It’s better to just start doing.
Take a walk. Make a call. Write something.
70% of why we don’t get things done is because we simply don’t do.
Bill Gates said, “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”
Cliched? Maybe, but true. Let’s get started.
Bring on 2022!