All in Sales

It's Always In The "Doing"

I think we get so caught up in the goals that we’re after that we lose sight of the need to focus on the process. Especially when the goals are big, audacious.

This makes sense, intuitively, of course. The bigger the goals, the higher the stakes, the more invested we are in their achievement. It’s natural then that we takes these goals seriously, and that they occupy our thought processes.

The Customer Shouldn't Have To Do The Work

Those who’ve worked with me for any length of time will inevitably have heard me say some variant of the following words: “If the customer has to work to understand what we’re offering, we’ve already lost.” I try to live by those words.

There’s enough going on with any client or customer that any of us are dealing with. Just like us, they’re constantly bombarded by emails, news, requests for, and demands of, their time - and, oh yes, their actual work.

What is Value?

The recent hype around Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) has been interesting. A piece of ‘art’ by the artist Beeple sold for almost $60 Million. I put the word ‘art’ in quotation marks because it isn’t art in the conventional sense that most of us might think of. It’s digital and anyone can see and download it (there’s nothing physical at play here). But the NFT provides one person with indisputable proof of ownership, and that person estimated the value of that proof at $69.5 Million.

Authenticity Matters

Authenticity has become a rare commodity.

I mean, at first blush, you’d think it would be abundant in society, personal or professional. Because when what you see is what you get, there are no illusions, no need for personal estimations or second guesses. What you saw would, in fact, be what you got.

But in a world driven by social media, the lure of the instant, ADD-fueled soundbite, and the much-discussed finality (and hence, importance) of the ‘first impression’, most of us are on our toes.

Thinking About Value

Value is in the eye of the beholder. That seems like a straightforward statement, but it’s a hard one to truly grasp.

There are certainly tangible criteria that can be applied to the price of a particular product or service - its material inputs, the resources applied to convert those materials into some sort of finished product, and the related overhead needed to make all of that happen.

Omerisms Podcast - Episode 72

This month, I'd like to speak to a few fundamental ideas about how we work and the implications of our behaviors when we work.

In today's episode, I talk about our tendency, as we get older, to focus less on what we do well and more on what we don't. It's a curious thing, because it's our strengths that will drive us forward and, therefore, what we need to build on.

Are You Really Protecting Your Ground?

It’s often referred to as the “defensive” strategy.

The sports team that emphasizes defense over offense i.e protecting their goal and stopping the other team from scoring.

Or the business that is focused on adding enough features to be able to ward off the competition.

Or the individual contributor who spends his time understanding and developing (i.e. copying) the skills of his nearest competitors.

Strategy Or Execution: What Matters More?

Strategy matters.

A good strategy differentiates your offering. It galvanizes the right resources to their best effect. It positions your organization for success.

A good strategy, though, is just the starting point. Once you’ve mapped out your path, you still need to run it.

And a badly run race will slow you down, allow your competition to gain on you and overtake you, possibly even prevent you from finishing.

"If You Don't Know The Answer, Don't Guess!"

I’ve always wanted to have all of the answers. I’ve always wanted to be that guy who knows what’s happening, has a clear and cogent explanation, and can provide my point of view on the spot.

But that can’t always be the case. Nobody can have all the answers - not me, not you. And, really, there’s no issue with that.

Where the issue does arise, though, is when I try and speak with authority when I have none.

"Make Me Want To Hear You"

I’m not a big fan of the TV show, Shark Tank. It has too much of a contrived, over-the-top vibe to it with an extra helping of meanness served up by a couple of the “sharks”. I also don’t like it when entrepreneurs with good ideas give away too much of their company in return for, at least what I perceive as, too little in return. (You can chalk this off as the grumblings of a fellow, aging entrepreneur…)