“...Until You Get Punched In The Face...”
Image by Aberro Creative from Pixabay
There are two types of people in the world: those who plan and those who don’t.
And there’s plenty of evidence to suggest that those who plan are more successful than those who don’t.
Of course, just because you plan, doesn’t mean everything will go your way. Reality has a funny way of doing things that don’t align with our best laid plans.
As Mike Tyson once said, everybody has a plan until you get punched in the face.
So, the real trick isn’t about simply having a plan, but rather it’s about how we react to our situation. How we adapt to unforeseen circumstances. How we switch tack so that we’re able to keep to our overall direction.
It’s about not getting discouraged or sidetracked. It’s about being flexible, reactive yet still focused on our goal.
Our paths to our goals are not straight lines, they’re often circuitous and complex and unpredictable.
But we can almost always get there - just not always in the ways we originally envisioned.