Omerisms Turns Two
And just like that, another year has passed. What started out as a personal test of my ability to consistently pen down my thoughts and perspectives has now completed its second year.
As I said when I started, my goal has been to simply write - and to do so consistently. I wasn't going to worry about the specific focus, or subject matter, I would just do.
A couple of hundred posts later, I'm still enjoying it. And I hope you, the reader, are, too.
For those of you who have taken the time to read my posts - read them, share them, comment on them - I'd like to say Thank You. It means a lot that you take the time out of your day to do so.
Now, as omerisms heads into year three, I'm still finding things to talk about and ideas to share. So, the blog will power on at the same pace as we go forward. I also hope to take the site in a couple of different (new and familiar) directions over the next year. I hope you'll come along for the journey.
One last thing - if there is anything to take away from omerisms turning two, it is this:
If you've been thinking about doing something similar, or something entirely different, if an initiative that you've been thinking about has been gnawing away at you for longer than you can remember, or if you've got your idea figured out but have simply been waiting for the right time, here's my road-tested advice:
Ideas that stay in your head are useless. Just get started. Take action. Commit to being consistent, not perfect. It might be rough at first, it may not be spot on, but it will start to happen. Waiting won’t get you anywhere - it won’t make the idea better, the time will never be right. The only right time is now.
Just. Get. Started.
(And, again, Thank You for reading!)