Based in Chicago, Omerisms is a blog by Omer Abdullah. His posts explore Ideas, perspectives and points of view across business, sales, marketing, life and (sometimes) football (the real kind).

Steve Jobs, Passion and Entrepreneurship

Steve Jobs, Passion and Entrepreneurship


"You have to have a lot of passion for what you're doing...because it's so hard, that if you don't, any rational person would give up...the ones that were successful, loved what they did, so they could persevere...and the ones that didn't love it, quit, because they're sane!"

Yes, I know it's a cliche to quote Steve Jobs, but there are few individuals who exemplified the potential, pitfalls, joyous heights and perilous lows that entrepreneurs of all shapes and sizes face in their (often insane) creative journey.

The most difficult aspect of being an entrepreneur is weathering the storm.

Managing the fact that the journey towards creating something meaningful, productive and profitable is not at all a straight line. 

To navigate this path, to have the perseverance to continue despite the obstacles, requires a drive that comes from a deep rooted passion for the idea behind your venture.

It's this passion that pushes you forward. That makes you persevere.

It's this passion that ensures you preserve a measure of insanity, so that you can believe in the potential, when everyone around you is saying it can't be done.

(And to be clear, people who tell you it can't be done are a dime a dozen. As are people who've never gotten anywhere with their ideas.)

So, don't buy into the myth that your passion isn't relevant. It is. 

Resist the urge to be rational. Certainly, do the homework, but look for the positive, the potential, the path. 

After all, it's more fun to be a bit crazy....

Will Our Kids Suffer from 'The Middle Class Curse'?

Will Our Kids Suffer from 'The Middle Class Curse'?

Don’t Tolerate Rotten Beans

Don’t Tolerate Rotten Beans