Based in Chicago, Omerisms is a blog by Omer Abdullah. His posts explore Ideas, perspectives and points of view across business, sales, marketing, life and (sometimes) football (the real kind).



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I had a different post written for today, but considering we're in the holiday season and this is the time of year where we typically take stock of the last 12 months and begin to think about the next 12, I thought I'd share something more fitting for the occasion.

On Friday, I watched an interview with Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York on CBS This Morning, who was asked about the importance of Hope, and if he could share his thoughts for those who might have lost hope after what has been, for many, a difficult year. I found his words insightful, and helpful:

“It’s always life’s question: How do we find hope? People might lose faith but boy, if you lose hope, you don’t get out of bed in the morning, all right? So hope is really important.”
“The darkest day of the year was two days ago. For ancient men and women, they would always say, ‘Is it going to keep getting darker... Is the light going to come up?’ And of course it does around this time of year.”
“Life trumps death – no pun intended – good trumps evil, good is victorious over bad, life conquers death."
"That is hope. Nature gives you hope”

And that, to me, is the foundation.

There is always hope.

No matter what your situation, no matter your beliefs, no matter your personal persuasion. 

Without hope, we are reduced to a self, a state we shouldn't want to contemplate. Without hope, there is no basis for development and progress - moral, social, economic or otherwise. 

As we put a wrap on 2016, let's remember that.

There is always hope.

Let's commit to move forward positively. 

There is always hope.

Is Talent Innate or Developed?

Is Talent Innate or Developed?

