All tagged Stoic philosophy in business

Omerisms Podcast - Episode 39

This month's podcasts focuses on the mental aspect of how we work - on the why we get started, how we get caught in ourselves and the mental mindset needed to succeed.

In this episode, I wrap up this month’s theme on the mental mindsets we need to be successful, specifically sharing two ideas. The first is about how we should trust ourselves as we decide what we’re doing, when we’re on “the path”. The second is how we should focus on the process, not just the finish line.

"If Some Regard You As Important, Distrust Yourself"

Epictetus’ words are easy to understand, but difficult to practice. Not surprising, given that it’s in our nature to be liked, to gain approval, to be considered valuable.

The problem is that when we accept these opinions, when we consider ourselves to be “important”, we think we’ve “arrived” and achieved some special end-state or level of wisdom.