Looking Forward To Big Tests
Photo by Nelson Ndongala on Unsplash
There’s a tendency we all have to try and ride out a tough spell or a difficult challenge. To try and just “get to the other side”, mentally, at least, even if you have to physically go through the motions.
Thing is, that’s a passive strategy. One that intends to remove us from the reality of the situation and the challenge of the actual battle.
The goal is to make things easier for ourselves, to reduce the emotional toll we’d otherwise have to incur. In other words, to avoid exposing ourselves and becoming vulnerable.
The best performers don’t think that way. They lean into challenging situations.
They know their strengths and weaknesses and they’ve thought through their strategies, what they need to do. Not only that, they look forward to the battle itself, they relish it.
So far from simply trying to mentally get through the situation, they lean in.
They are active participants, executing their strategies but always listening, learning and reacting. They value the test, the battle of wills They look forward to it, to see what they’re actually capable of.
As such, vulnerability isn’t a constraint or something to guard against. They embrace it. They know that true success requires it.
Is that a riskier proposition? Does it mean we’re more hurt when we don’t get what we want? Absolutely. But the true champion knows that there is no other path to real success.
Take the risk, get involved and put all of yourself into it. Look forward to the battle.
There is no other path.