Empathy And Authority
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash
No one wants to be told what to do, but everyone wants to understand what they should be doing.
From your employees to your colleagues to your customers, this is a truism.
If I give you an order, you’re not likely to take it well, no matter how well versed I am in the subject, no matter how competent and practiced I am in a specific discipline. It just isn’t in our nature to react well to that sort of thing.
Instead, we want to be brought along. Yes, I want to know that you have the expertise. But I also want to know that you understand my point of view. And most of all, I want to know that the journey is one that will be thoughtful in its passage.
Which all boils down to empathy and authority.
If you’re trying to elicit a change of some sort (take on this project, join my company, buy my product), show empathy and authority.
Empathy. I understand your concerns. Yes, there are challenges. No, it will not be easy. I know where you’re coming from.
Authority. I know my way around this. I’ve dealt with those issues myself. I know the path and how we can work our way through it. I can get us there.
Those two things give people the comfort they need that they are understood and they will get there (wherever there is).