Everything You Know About This Post Is Wrong
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
In case you haven’t guessed already, the title of this post is clickbait. It’s meant to draw you, the reader, in and make you read this post. And if I’ve done my job right, the post will expand on and explain the title in a useful and compelling way.
But of course, the internet being what it is (one that’s rewarded for clicks and hits), such titles get used to excess and don’t always deliver on their promise. In fact, I recently read an article by a prominent consulting firm that had a similar title but then proceeded to not actually speak to the idea behind the title. (Interestingly, the content was good, it just didn’t align with the title.)
Why does this happen?
I think most often, the author feels insecure about his/her content, that it isn’t up to scratch. But they’d really like the hits.
In other cases, the content is good but they feel like there needs to be a bit more ‘snap’ and perhaps a slick or controversial title might just do it.
But I’m pretty sure those aren’t good reasons. Because a title is, in many ways, a promise to the potential reader. That, through this article, I’ll teach you something new or perhaps provide a perspective that’s unique and interesting.
And when the title doesn’t align with the body, then you’ve really just let the reader down. You’ve failed to deliver on your promise.
So I think we’re better off sticking to the basics. Write good, compelling content, and lead the reader into it with an appropriate relevant title. You may not get as many clicks, but the ones you do get will matter much, much more.