Cutting The Cord
Earlier this year, I got rid of my landline. It was a decision that, frankly, much harder than it should have been.
The fact of the matter is that I’ve had a cell phone since the late 90’s and I’ve been using my cell for all personal calls, almost exclusively, for the last half decade at least. In addition, the only calls that I (or any of my family) have been getting on our landline the last few years have been from telemarketers, and we pretty much never answer those calls.
But it was still a difficult decision, one that my wife and I debated for a while before making the decision. A decision that was years in the making, and cost us thousands of dollars over that time frame. Of course, we rationalized that we needed that landline, just in case, as a safety net, a back up, so to speak.
But none of that was true, given the facts: the actual usage volume, the type/purpose of the usage, as well as the quality of prevailing technologies.
The reality was that there was a comfort in having a landline. It was a holdover from the days of poor cell reception and constant dropped calls. From when I would rationalize that it was a necessary and available mode of communication in the event of an emergency. From the simple, emotional standpoint of nostalgia.
What held us back was emotional security of one sort or another. Just not the facts.
It took us a while to accept that - aided ultimately, by the economic argument that accompanied years of landline fees that quite simply were a waste. But accept it we did.
And you know what? We don’t miss it.
Which, in and of itself, is a lesson. Look at the facts. Look at actual usage. Look at the reality. Separate the emotion. Remove the nostalgia. Remove the ‘emotional blanket’ factor.
If the facts don’t support it, don’t. As difficult as it may seem to cut that cord emotionally, know that it will save you in the long run.