Happy People Don't Act Like A**holes...
Happy people don't act like assholes. Generally speaking, my own unscientific survey over the last several decades suggests this to be true.
Think of the happy people you know. How do they act? What's their attitude to others around them?
Folks who are happy tend to be comfortable with themselves, with what they have and who they are.
They aren't caught up in the (all too easy) pattern of cynicism that we tend to see so clearly all around us. (When does that happen anyway? From the sense of free form optimism and hope that we have when we are kids, adulthood seems to have a gravitational pull towards the cynical. It's unnecessary and sad.)
They get that no one owes them anything. That they aren't entitled to anything, and that no one needs to do them any favors. This doesn't mean they don't look to others for help or guidance or kindness or partnership. It just means they know they aren't entitled to it. (And if it doesn't come, it doesn't reinforce a world view that we are all out to "get each other".)
They don't preach. They aren't here to get you to change or to make you into what they think you should be. They make no judgements about how you're acting and how you should be acting like them, or someone they know and/or believe in.
(This isn't to suggest that they are perpetually happy, of course. Shit happens in our lives and problems come and go. That's life. But the mean they revert to is one of happiness.)
Happy people are easier to be around. No judgements, no expectations, no demands.
Happy people are easier to be around, that is, unless we aren't happy ourselves.
Then they become excruciating. They become fodder for our back chatter. They become a source of irritation or annoyance. They become a problem, when, of course, they're not.
They're just happy.