Based in Chicago, Omerisms is a blog by Omer Abdullah. His posts explore Ideas, perspectives and points of view across business, sales, marketing, life and (sometimes) football (the real kind).

Be The Last to Speak

Be The Last to Speak



In meetings, we can have the tendency to want to state our point of view first, with enough conviction and with a strength of argument that then shapes the course of the remaining discussion and ultimate conclusion. 

We do this to help "guide" the discussion, to ensure things "don't move off track", to keep moving towards a "productive conclusion".

But whose productive conclusion? How have we heard and incorporated the best thinking? How have we ensured that we aren't just propagating the views of the individual (the leader) at the expense of the knowledge and beneficial wisdom of the collective?

This thought came to mind as I watched the video excerpt below in which the writer Simon Sinek speaks to how leaders should speak last. They may have a well formed point of view on something but by listening, clarifying, learning, they can both understand the wisdom of the collective as well as learn from differing points of view. 

Yes, one person must make the final call. But by speaking last, there's a sense of inclusion, discussion and debate.

A good thought to keep in mind, the next time you run a meeting.

(Source credit: Goalcast, Furious Stallion)

Communicating Values...In a Menu

Communicating Values...In a Menu

Postscript: Don't Ask The Customer What They Want

Postscript: Don't Ask The Customer What They Want