Forget Everyone Else
I want to take on that assignment...but I'm worried my supervisor won't think I'm good enough.
I want to change my look...but I'm afraid I'll get laughed at.
I want to be more vocal about this issue...but I'm concerned that people will be offended.
Why do we care what other people think?
Why do we let the perceived opinions of others stop us from doing what we think is fulfilling? From realizing our potential?
Little kids, for the most part, don't have these issues. They just do. Unless it will hurt others around them, they don't worry about it.
It's when we get older that we develop these hang ups. We get worried about how we look. How we're perceived. Whether we're accepted.
I'd suggest that we be more like little kids.
Unless we're doing something harmful, my advice is generally, don't give a shit.
Just get it done.