How "VIP" Am I?
Names hidden to protect the innocent...
So, I got this email the other day from a company that offers bespoke clothing for men. By all accounts, it's a brand that offers quality, tailor-made products at reasonable economics. They sent me this promo because - as you'll see in the headline - I'm a VIP.
Thing is, I've never bought from them. Ever.
Yes, I know companies do this all the time. The point of a promo is to offer you a deal, to make you feel special. But surely, a little tailoring of the message (pun fully intended) makes sense?
After all, building relationships with customers should involve some personal element, some segmentation based on actual data, usage, preference patterns. Even if that personalization comes from an algorithm.
Because, as much as I think I'm special, and as much as I want you to think I'm special, the veracity of that perspective (from both ends) depends on there being some amount of truth to back it up.